Toast for Mom

Mom passed away April 12, 2017. The therapist and “farmer/gardener” in me is preparing the field to honor the first anniversary of her passing. I know in my heart of hearts that grief is so very important. So tonight while hubster was away I had a brilliant idea. I invited a friend to the picnic tree and had a lovely visit and a glass of wine. Last year on the eve of her passing he came to my house and we hiked to another beautiful location and toasted Mom. Who knows maybe we will make it an annual tradition. As you can see the weather cooperated nicely tonight. Thanks Tom my dearest friend for being with me on this journey. It was good for my soul. Remembering all that Mother taught me, the good, the bad, the indifferent to borrow a line from Tracy Chapman song titled “The Tin Man”. May all beings be free from suffering. Aho