Christmas holiday installation part 2

Another exciting task on my vacation at home…was catching a feral cat and taking him to the vet for neutering. We really know how to have fun on the farm. If you have ever hauled a wailing cat to town who has had minimal handling well by all means you should try this experiment.  It will get your hair to stand on end and get your blood pressure to rise if you are vulnerable in those respects.   I came to the decision to get it done because the blood curdling screams between the feline residents and said feral was starting to wear me down. The bad part of my decision was that temperatures were dangerously low and I was worried about the logistics of the situation. We don’t need him impregnating other neighborhood cats who will eventually find their way back to me.  Lord knows I have done my part here in the neighborhood and I seem to be the only one who cares about their suffering.  One might say I am on the wild highway for ferals  and for miles around this place is a safe haven for wandering Tom cats who have been run away from their home territory.

Christmas holiday and Lily Rose my pretty! Part 1

Usually at Christmas time I like to gussy up the 4 leggeds. Around Thanksgiving time I decorate the Dawgs with jingle bell collars! Check I accomplished that in a timely fashion. This holiday has turned out to be a somber one for many layers and challenges in the three worlds of the physical, mental, and emotional. The week started off kilter by driving out of our valley and seeing the results of a terrible accident. The police scanner reported zero visibility. Not in possession of a scanner I naively drove out of the valley. At the top of the hill I spotted several police. No one was directing traffic and it was very dangerous driving in the mists and fogs. I thought visibility might have been 15 to 30 ft. I pulled out onto the highway to see a little girl standing looking down into the ravine. An SUV was at the bottom of a ravine maybe 30 or 40 ft off the road. There were some adults standing with her so I assumed the safest step for me was to keep moving. In my mind I am shocked by this sight. As I travel toward town I see a large truck with RV pulled over. The SUV in the ditch had pulled out in front of the RV and truck, to avoid a crash it went into the ravine. I was sobered to see this and literally crawled and crept to town. This was the start of the week of preparation for Christmas. Sadly it has gone down hill or presented more challenges. I have done my best to have a nice holiday….but I can’t say it has been the smoothest sailing. The mists and fogs on the highway to town were the beginning of the week of mental and emotional turbulence. Fasten your seat belt for part two of you want to follow along in this quagmire of a cat’s tale… literally and figuratively.

The Essence by Felix Maria Woschek


“Raise your vibration as high as may be and call down, from intuitional levels, added light on the difficulty.  If your intuition and reasoning faculty produce harmony and thus show the way out, then proceed.  As an occult fact past all controversy, you know that naught can now happen but what is for the best.  You are sure of guidance, and he who sees thus the end from the beginning makes no error.” from A.A.Bailey TOM pg.346

I hope you can watch the beautiful images in this video with out too many advertisements.   Word Press inserts the ads since this is a free account.   I may not agree with the content of the ads lol.